Monday, August 29, 2022

Parent Lunch & Learn Series

Last year we tested out hosting zoom lunch and learn workshops for parents once a quarter and they were very well received.  As a result, we have increased our offerings and, throughout the year, we will be hosting a series of 7 Lunch & Learns for our parents.  All of the sessions will take place from 12-12:30.

These workshops are very brief 30 minute zoom meetings where we will spend about half of that time sharing information with parents about a specific topic and then the remaining time will allow us to answer your questions.  The zoom link will be emailed to all parents the morning of the Lunch & Learn and it will also be posted on the WKHS Counselor website.

The first session kicks off this Friday, September 2nd.  Our topic will be Coming up with a Test Prep Plan (PSAT/ PreACT).

Additional dates and topics are:

October 14th: What to do if my child has a D or an F

November 11th: Honors Diploma

January 13th: Understanding the Graduation Requirements

March 17th: Mental Health Support

April 21st: College Admissions Tests (ACT/ SAT)

May 5th: Career Exploration

We hope parents will save these dates and join us for the sessions!

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