Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Senior Reminders

Seniors, tomorrow is your LAST DAY of high school!  I have a few quick reminders about things you need to be sure that you take care of before graduation rehearsal on Friday.

Actually, I should probably start there.  You have graduation rehearsal at WKHS on Friday at 10am. You will be done around noon. This is mandatory if you plan on participating in the commencement ceremony on Sunday.  You do not need to dress up or where your cap and gown to the rehearsal.  I will be honest, the rehearsal isn't anywhere near as exciting as the actual graduation ceremony will be, but it will be worth it when everything goes well during the real event Sunday.  Because the practice can get boring, I suggest bringing something to help keep you occupied in your seat.  (Fully charged phone, book to read, etc.) 

Other events this week include Senior Teas at your elementary schools on Thursday.  Senior Recognition Night for those students who have earned awards/ scholarships/ recognitions.  If you will not be attending, please be sure to let Mrs. McDaniel know by stopping to see her in the Counseling Center or sending her an email to kmcdaniel@wscloud.org so that she knows you will not be there to pick up your recognition materials and can make arrangements to get them to you separately.  Baccalaureate is on Friday night at Worthington Christian Church and this is open to all seniors students and families and is always an awesome night each year.  And then, there is also this big event down at the Convention Center on Sunday at noon - GRADUATION!  :-)  It's going to be a busy and fun few days.

Fees/ Fines: Some students still have outstanding fees and fines that you owe to the school. It may be a very small fee for an overdue library book or it could be a much larger fee for a lost textbook, but either way, please make sure that all of your debt is paid this week so that you will be able to participate in the commencement ceremony.

Textbook/ Library Book Returns: You will need to turn in all of your textbooks as well as any library books that you still have. You can return your books to Mrs. Dominach in the Counseling Center or book room.

Scholarship Thank You's: If you received a scholarship, don't forget the importance of writing a thank you note to the individual, group or organization who is providing you with the scholarship.

* Iron your gown: Ok, this isn't a requirement, but I'm hoping you have at least taken your gown out of the package already so that some of the wrinkles have fallen away.  But I do strongly suggest you consider ironing your gown because you will look much nicer in pictures if you're not a wrinkled mess.  (And, I say that fully acknowledging that I pretty much iron once a year and that is for this exact event to iron my gown for the ceremony each year.)

* Set a post-graduation ceremony meeting place: This is my many years of experience being down at the Convention Center for graduation giving this suggestion... I realize that most of you haven't been to the site of the ceremony, but after graduation you will want to meet up with your family and friends for photos and to celebrate.  Having a place where you know to go to find your family identified ahead of time will help more than you can imagine.  I can assure you that in the past, the worst place to be as soon as the ceremony is over is anywhere near the bottom of the escalator because everyone who attended the graduation ceremony will be trying to leave and coming out at the escalator.  So consider picking some other area where you can meet that is NOT near the escalators.

Stop by and see me: Selfishly, I would like to also add this to your list as I would love to have a few more minutes with you while you are still in high school. And, I haven't received any senior pictures this year, so please know that I would still love to have one! :-)

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