Tuesday, April 5, 2022

New Elective Classes

Ready for some exciting, breaking news?!  I have it for you here first...

When you were in middle school, you thought there were so many different types of classes available at WKHS (which is true), but then when you're actually selecting your schedule, finding electives that appeal to you can be challenging at times.  The administration has heard you and your requests for new and different elective classes that meet the practical skills and knowledge you are using in your daily life.  Even though the course selection time has long passed, you will now have the opportunity to look at your elective course selections and decide if you want to make any changes to add in one of the new classes.  There are 5 new classes being offered to students starting next fall.

1. Career Mentorship: learn about different career opportunities for your future.  This course will also help students to earn a seal towards graduation.

2. Global Cuisines: this will be a class where you will learn to cook and have plenty of chances to both cook and eat during the semester.

3. Child Development: this is a class where you learn about the needs of infants and young children and how childcare providers (parents and others) can help meet those needs.

4. Beginning Woodworking: ready to learn how to build things?  This hands-on class will allow you to do just that.

5. Social Media and Marketing: this is a new course being offered in the business department.  Social media is a growing part of daily life for students and adults and this is a chance to learn more about how it is used in marketing of self and products.

Pretty awesome list of classes, don't you think?!  So, what do you do if you want to take one of these new courses next fall?  Well, first you have to wait until the classes are officially announced and the notification email is sent out.  But once that happens, you start by figuring out what you no longer want to take next year.  Maybe it's the academic prep or options period or a different elective class that you picked, but weren't really all that excited about (or at least not as excited as you are about some of these new options.)  Once you have figured out what class(es) you want to add and which ones you want to have moved to alternates, then you will fill out the Google Form that will be sent to your email (and will also be linked on the Counselor website).  Once you fill out that Google form and submit it then I will make the changes to your requests so that hopefully you'll be able to get the new classes you want to take.

I'm not sure exactly when this information is going to be shared with students... it could be as early as tomorrow or as late as right after spring break, but it will be coming soon!

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