Monday, March 21, 2022

CC+ Reminders

The question I have been asked the most recently has been "How do I get a Cougar ID number?"  

For students who are planning to participate in CC+ classes next year and have submitted your Intent to Participate Form, you were emailed step-by-step directions on your next steps for college credit plus from Mrs. Mann (she is the counselor in charge of CC+ for us.)

So, to answer that question about how do you get your cougar id number - you follow the directions in the email from Mrs. Mann by applying to CSCC.  After you have applied to CSCC, about 48 hours later they will send you an email confirmation that will include your Cougar ID number.  We then need the student questionnaire and permission slip forms back with those numbers.  (If you turned those forms in without the numbers, please email the numbers to me and to Mrs. Mann so that we can add them to your forms.)

And, if you are planning to take a math CC+ class that is not through CSCC, that is through COTC.  So those students need to apply to Central Ohio Technical College.  Again, follow the directions that were in the email you received from Mrs. Mann.

Also, one final hint... if you haven't received an email from Mrs. Mann with next steps it means we haven't received an intent to participate form from you which means we don't have you slated to take CC+ classes next year.  If that is an error and you just forgot to turn in your CC+ form, please take care of that step right away!  See me if you have any questions.

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