Thursday, February 3, 2022

Don't Forget to Register!

I hope you are having an amazing snow day today!  I was very thankful for the bonus day off.  But, while you are relaxing and enjoying this extra down time, I want to remind you that tomorrow is the last day to register for your classes for next year.  As you are entering your course selections, I wanted to give you a few reminders that I have seen as issues with other students...

1. Don't forget to include your lunches for each semester.  The course codes are on the selection sheet, but it is 9910 and 9920.

2.  If you want to have an Academic Prep period (for current freshmen) or an Options period (for current sophomores and juniors), please be sure that you select and enter that information codes for each semester.

3.  There are students who want to take a full year of a semester long repeatable class.  The courses that allow this are indicated on your selection sheet with an "R."  You will then enter the course number without the R for one semester and the course number with the R (stands for repeatable) for the 2nd semester.

Please be sure to log in and register with all of your classes that you want to take.  I promise when we meet next week I can still make changes, but it is way easier if your initial guess on requests is already entered into IC.

Also, yesterday I had a few students sharing that they were having trouble seeing the "add course" option where they couldn't search for classes or add a course.  I don't know why this is happening, but I do know how to fix it... up in the top right corner of your screen there is a little symbol that looks like 2 boxes layered on top of one another.  Click on that.  It should fix it for you even if you click on it to make it big again, somehow it resets something to make it work.I'm not tech-savvy enough to know why, but it is the solution to the problem.  So if you or any of your friends are running into that challenge, it is a very easy solution.

Enjoy the rest of your snow day!

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