Sunday, February 27, 2022

Career Club

I am excited to announce that we are starting a new club at WKHS this week.  The Career Exploration Club will meet during lunch periods to give students the chance to join and be a part of a club even if you don't have transportation to be able to participate in after-school clubs.

As a part of this club you will have the opportunity to learn about different careers directly from guest presenters.  The speakers will share insights into what a typical day is like in their job, what they like most/ least about their job, the education required to be able to have this job, and they will answer any questions you have as well.

The club will meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays for the rest of this year.  (March 3rd, March 17th, April 7th, April 21st, and May 5th)

While we would eventually like to figure a way to make the club accessible during all 4 lunch periods, for the rest of this year as we get the club underway, we will only have the group meeting twice during 5th period and 6th period lunches which are the biggest lunch periods.  So, if you have lunch, prep, options, or learning center during 5th or 6th period then this club will work for you!

The presentations from the speakers will only take half of your period so you will still hve plenty of time to eat.  The 5th period presentation will start at 12:00 and last for 20 minutes until the end of the period.  And the 6th period presentation will start right at the start of the period at 12:25 and be done 20 minutes later at 12:45.

The reality is that every career discussed won't be a good fit for every student, but the more you learn about different careers, the easier it will become to identify jobs that you do NOT want in your future which can ultimately help guide you to the right profession.  

Examples of some of our upcoming speakers already lined up include: Nurse, Business Entrepreneur, Chef, Realtor, Interior Designer, Firefighter, and Paramedic.

I hope you will plan to join the club by coming to meet with us this Thursday in the Auditorium!

On a separate note, congratulations and good luck to several of "my students" who are athletes that have advanced to the next round in their tournament competitions.

Brooke Carter qualified for States in Gymnastics on the Balance Beam and the Girls Bowling Team which includes Samantha Darby, Brenna Burrell, and AJ Brockway advanced to DistrictsGood luck to you all!

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