Thursday, November 25, 2021

What a difference a year makes...

Happy Thanksgiving!  All day long I have been struck by how different today is compared to a year ago... at least it is drastically different in my life.  Last year COVID resulted in my family all staying separate to keep everyone safe.  I had been around students at school and so I couldn't be near my parents without putting them at risk - something I wasn't willing to do.  And so I was alone for the day.  Sure, I got delicious food off of my parents front porch and spent a little time on FaceTime and Zoom with different family members, but it definitely wasn't the same.  

At the time I remember thinking that it was quiet and weird, but not that bad...  And yet, I think I was able to keep that perspective because I knew that we were going to be remote learning leading up to December and so I would be able to quarantine so that I could safely be with my family for Christmas.  

Today was a complete and total opposite to the quiet and loneliness.  From the moment I woke up to even now as I write this it has been filled with noise, laughter, and togetherness.  (8 people and 5 dogs all under 1 roof will do that.)  And I am grateful for every second of it all!

I just wanted to pause and hop on here to wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving.  I am grateful for the honor of being able to work with you and know you.  I appreciate you sharing your lives with me.  So today as I celebrate with my family, I am also holding you close in my heart and hoping that your day is filled with joy as well.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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