Monday, November 8, 2021

Survey Feedback about Worthington

Each year students throughout the district are asked to complete a Panorama survey giving feedback about your perspectives on Worthington schools and how we as a staff are working to support you.  This will happen again this year on Wednesday during the Pack Period.

For the first time, in addition to the student feedback being gathered, the district is asking all parents and guardians to consider providing their own feedback to the district as well.  The survey opened today and parents/ guardians can access by visiting the following website:

The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete and topics will include family engagement, barriers to engagement, family support, school climate and school safety.  The district hopes to be able to use the family-school relationships survey data to help better understand the needs in the community and how our district can best support families.  The survey will remain open and accessible for families from today until November 19th.

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