Saturday, August 14, 2021

Summer Assignment Reminder

It's your final weekend of summer... and summer sure did fly past in a hurry.  Hopefully throughout the summer you have been pacing yourself and working on your summer assignments if they classes you are taking this year require them.  If not, then I suppose this doesn't feel like much of a weekend to you as you are probably scrambling to try to get the work completed in time.  If you have lost your summer assignments, please feel free to check out the WKHS Counselor website - - as the teachers have submitted your assignments on there as well.

I also want to remind you that it is time to go out and buy school supplies for the new year.  Please think about your style of learning and organizing materials so that you purchase items that will help and not hinder you.  For example, if you are a "stuffer" and tend to shove everything into your book bag you would do better with folders than binders... and you probably need a LOT of folders because the folders will start to rip as you try to shove more and more information into them.  One strategy is to plan to have a folder per class per quarter.  Or maybe you are great at putting things into a binder as long as your papers have holes punched in them - in that case you might benefit from a small 3-hole puncher that fits into your binder so that you can always keep your materials where you want them.  You know you best - you know what has and hasn't worked for you before.  Rather than just continuing to do the same thing you've always done truly think about your needs and find the materials that will work to your advantage all year long.

Enjoy your last 3-4 days of summer!

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