Monday, July 5, 2021

Meet Mia

My summer has been off to a whirlwind of a start... in large part because I adopted a new puppy.  This is Mia.  Just like Lexi, she is a miniature goldendoodle and although she was just about 6 pounds when I got her she will grow to be about 25 pounds when she is full grown.  (Same size as Lexi)

Mia is a precious snuggler who sleeps great, but unlike Lexi, Mia is FEARLESS!  She has too much bravery if anything and doesn't mind taking on stairs, climbing on, around and through furniture, and playing with dogs that are 150 pounds.  Lexi wasn't sure what to make of Mia for a while.  Actually, early on, she desperately wanted to send her away.  But she has adjusted and they play together and get along well for the most part.  (Lexi definitely doesn't want to share her bones and Mia doesn't mind testing that idea multiple times a day to see if she has possibly changed her mind.)  Lexi still can't figure out why Mia climbs through the coffee table or under the end-tables, and she will often bark at her to tell her to stop or come to alert me so that I know Mia isn't doing the "right" things.  :-)  So I am just being thankful that Lexi hasn't decided she should take on those same adventures alongside Mia.

Mia's full name is Amelia and she definitely hears that when she is in trouble.  I tend to frequently call her Miadora because evidently I should have named her Dora the Explorer because she is curious about all things at all times and has never met a stranger - dog, person, toy, cicada, bird, squirrel, or leaf - she wants to see it all!  

I'm sure I will share lots more Mia pictures and updates over the coming years and you can always come by my office where I will gladly tell you more stories about Mia's great adventures.

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