Sunday, May 16, 2021

Organize for the Future

Another school year is winding down (but it is not over so you still need to apply yourself fully). It is a strange ending to the year with the district deciding not to have exams.  But that doesn't mean you don't need to go through your school materials and organize your information for your future.  Do you know what you want or need to save for the future? And yes, I am talking about more than just digging out of your room just in case your parents decide to convert your room into a guest bedroom after you go to college... :-)

Keeping your notes organized and any study guides, equation summary sheets, as well as old tests and quizzes in a way that will allow you to pull upon that information in the future is very important. I can tell you that from my experience in college, if I had not saved my notes from calculus in high school then there is no way that I would have passed that class in college! Your notes can often be the most useful resource (assuming you take good notes each day) because you are re-writing the main topics in your own words and organizing the information in a manner that makes sense to you. Old study guides, tests and quizzes are all very useful when trying to study for an upcoming exam or for reviewing past content in the next year's class.

Also, a key componet of this organization and saving process for seniors is being sure that you copy everything off of your wscloud Google Drive so that you still have that information for the future!  Over the last few years I inevitably hear from former students who forgot to copy their materials and then are disappointed when it is lost forever because the drives are wiped at the end of June for seniors that have graduated.  Because this has been such a challenge in the past, the district has distributed information about using Google Takeout as a way that graduating seniors can be sure that your information can be moved and secured for your use in the future.  And, for what it is worth, if you happen to know that you will be moving away from Worthington after this school year, you should also copy and save your Google Drive information and resources in the same manner.

So, take a little time now to prepare for your future high school and college years when you might want or need this information by getting organized today.

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