Thursday, May 20, 2021

Mrs. Gratz

I consider myself incredibly fortunate to work in the Counseling Department with colleagues who are not only incredible, commited professionals, but also friends.  Mrs. Gratz is one of the other school counselors and she has decided that she will be retiring at the end of the school year.  I am happy for her even though I am going to miss her very much.  I know that all of her current and past students feel the same way.  There is no doubt that Mrs. Gratz and her husband will be able to enjoy lots of long bicycle rides and traveling - activities that she loves.  And there is no question that her impact will continue on in the lives of all of those she has touched.  But it will be a huge transition for her personally and professionally just as it will be for the rest of our department.  So, for the handful of students/ parents who are not "mine" and still follow my blog, if you have Mrs. Gratz as your school counselor, I hope you will take time over the next week to send her an email or drop her a card to thank her for the incredible career she has had caring for students and families.  And, if you are one of my students/ families, know that you have benefited from Mrs. Gratz too because she has made me a better person and a better counselor during her time at WKHS.  So if you happen to see her in the halls or at graduation, please don't hesitate to congratulate her and wish her well in her retirement.

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