Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Goodbye Seniors

Today was the last day for the seniors in the Class of 2021.  I always feel like time goes too fast and that I am not ready to say goodbye to those who are graduating.  But I feel like this year it is striking me as more difficult than normal... I have been feeling way more emotional about saying goodbye to the seniors since last Friday and keep finding myself choking back emotion over the simplest of interactions.  Maybe that is because this year has been so different and I feel like we should get a do-over to be able to have more time together.  Maybe it is because I am out of practice after not getting to say goodbye during the school days to last year's seniors and so my mind has forgotten how difficult this can be.  But, if you want to know what I think the real story is, it is that I care a great deal about all of you and even though I am genuinely happy and excited for you as you leave WKHS behind and head off to all of the wonderful new adventures ahead of you, I am also sad because I will miss you.  I will miss talking to you, hearing about your lives, and watching you achieve your goals.  

You have proven yourselves to be a class who can overcome challenges, adapt to difficulties that adults have struggled to incorporate, and to practice compassion for one another.  And yes, of course, all of those characteristics apply to how you have reacted to COVID times, that isn't actually what I am talking about.  I am thinking about those challenges you have faced whether they were academic difficulties and your willingness to keep trying or the personal struggles such as dealing with bad breakups and big disappointments that fell short of your hopes.  I am thinking of those who have faced loss and grief that you didn't allow to derail you as well as those who have demonstrated strong resiliency to bounce back and shift focus such as when an injury sidelines you and cuts your season short.  And I am thinking about the compassion I saw in you as you helped one another understand school work that was challenging, the compassion to listen and encourage a friend who was having a bad day, and the empathy to care for those you know and those you didn't like through all of your efforts for the Adopt a Child campaign each year.

So yes, of course I am going to miss the seniors in the Class of 2021... how could I not when I think about what a powerful difference you have made not only to Kilbourne and the Worthington community, but also in my life.  Thank you for who you are and remember, I am always here and in your corner.

And seniors, one last reminder that although you are done with school, you are still required to be at WKHS on Friday morning at 10am for the Graduation Rehearsal.

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