Thursday, April 8, 2021

Musical - Ranked

I wanted to pause and say GOOD LUCK to all of the students who are involved in this year's musical, Ranked.  I know they have been working really hard and that it will be different participating in a production that will be streamed, but I am excited to watch it.

For all of you who are interested, there will be 2 performances - 1 will be streamed on Friday night and 1 on Saturday night.  

In particular, I want to give a special shout out to "my" students who are among those involved with this year's production including cast members Kya Angle, Ella Blanton, and Gavin Crozier.  And it is not possible to produce a musical without the involvement of a strong crew behind the scenes and two of my students, Rachel Barker and Alyssa Berger are a huge part of this year's crew.

Best of luck to all of you!

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