Sunday, April 4, 2021

Busy Week Ahead

Welcome back!  I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing spring break!  I can't wait to hear about it and catch up with all of you.  This will be a busy week ahead as we all readjust to being back at school again and those early mornings in the push through to the end of the year.

A few quick reminders...

Worthington Schools has partnered with Nationwide Children's Hospital to host a Student Vaccination Clinic in Worthington for any interested high school students who are 16 years old or older.  This will take place this Wednesday and Thursday at TWHS and students will be shuttled to TWHS and back from Kilbourne.  Parents should have received information to sign students up for this opportunity, but if you misplaced the communication or have any questions the best people to contact would be Mr. Thomas (Principal), Mrs. Sharon DeSantis (Mr. Thomas' secretary), or Nurse Julie Garner.  I love that Worthington was able to do this for our students because it is taking us one step closer to normalcy in our future.

While we are looking forward to normal, there are so many opportunities that have transitioned and become virtual experiences but are still awesome chances for students and families to enjoy.  For example, this weekend on Friday and Saturday night, the WKHS Theater department musical will be streaming.  Check out the district website to get information on how you can purchase a streaming pass so that you won't miss out on seeing the production that the students have been working so hard to perfect.

For seniors, this will also be the week that the remaining admissions decisions finally get released.  I know this has been a long, stressful wait.  Good luck as you receive those final decisions.  And for all of the other seniors, this week starts off the official countdown to making your final college decision.  I can't wait to hear what you are thinking and how your schools are comparing.  Also, remember that most of the local scholarships whose deadlines haven't already passed have a deadline coming up this week.  Don't miss out on your chance to try to earn free money for college.

I will be out of the building for at least tomorrow morning to help at a few of our other schools in the district, but I can't wait to catch up once we are all back in the building again together.  I have missed you!

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