Sunday, March 21, 2021

Here... We... Go!!!

Tomorrow is back to 5 days a week school as "normal."  It has been quite a year to get us to this point.  You have proven your ability to adapt and overcome challenges.  We have all realized how little control we actually have over events and circumstances in our lives even if we prefer to try to plan and think of it all as if we do have that control.  And in the last year most of us have recognized the importance of  being grateful for good health and the value of the simple moments like being with those we love.

Tomorrow starts the chance to be with ALL friends that you love not just those in your half of the alphabet.  With teachers (not to mention counselors and a therapy dog) who love you. And with a step back towards the world and times of normalcy that we all miss and crave.

I know that there are very mixed emotions related to the return to all-in school.  Some of you are anxious about spending a day in 3 feet proximity with others.  Remember that I am here to listen.  Some of you are excited to have the structure and routine of not having to learn at home on your own.  Remember I am here to support you.  And some of you are dreading trying to wake up to be focused in class at 7:45am five days a week.  Remember that I honor and understand these struggles.

No matter what you are feeling - and even if you aren't feeling much about it - that is ok.  It is normal that we would be in different places and have different feelings about school and the return to all-in.  I still vividly remember last spring when we were all sent home and how sooooo many of you would tell me "I know I'm probably the only one but I really miss school."  You certainly weren't the only one then and you're not the only one who is feeling whatever it is you're experiencing now.  And just like last spring, you still deserve to be supported in whatever you're feeling and that is why I am here for you!

And, finally, I also want to remind you that even though we are all-in and you will be back to a "normal" 5 day a week school week, it is important to go in with the appropriate expectation of knowing that this still won't actually be normal.  Wearing masks, having to clean desks before/ after classes, and assigned seats for lunch spread throughout the commons and hallways are not normal.  They are all completely manageable and things we can do, but it isn't normal.  So I encourage you to temper your expectations that it will suddenly feel great and perfectly back to the way things were before COVID entered our lives.  Having that awareness will help to manage your expectations so that you aren't suddenly disappointed or left feeling frustrated and overwhelmed yet again.

Remember, you have made it through so many difficult challenges and transitions this year.  This shows that you ARE more than capable of making it through another and that I am here as are all of the rest of your teachers and the staff to help support you in this adjustment.  And Lexi and I both hope you will stop and see us tomorrow just to say hi!

Also, for what it is worth, please try to get to sleep at a decent time every night this week!  This is going to be a major adjustment and a lack of sleep will only make it feel more difficult.

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