Wednesday, March 10, 2021

College Applications: Chaos or Achievement

I am so excited to announce that next week, the last week of hybrid, we will be hosting one final workshop for interested students and parents!

College Applications: Chaos or Achievement

What will it be like to apply to college? What should I be focusing on for picking schools to apply to? Which college admissions tests should I take and when? If you have asked yourself these questions, then this workshop is for you!

During the at-home learning days of March 16th and 17th at 12:30pm, the WKHS counselors will be hosting a zoom workshop for current freshmen, sophomores and juniors as well as any of your interested parents. This workshop will allow you to have the opportunity to gain insight from a panel of some of our "senior survivors." 

Obviously, for the vast majority of "my" students who are Blue day students, you will be joining the presentation on March 16th and that is when a few of my seniors will be sharing their insights.  We will post a zoom link  on the Counselor website and Schoology pages the week of the workshop.

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