Tuesday, March 2, 2021

A New Day Ahead

Yesterday's question of the day was, "What is your favorite quote or a motto?"  It was fascinating and surprising to me how many students identified some type of a quote or saying reflecting the concept that every day is a new day and to make the most of it.

I will be honest, I love that sentiment.  But I'm not always great at maintaining that mindset.  I'm not sure how many of you are successful at holding onto it or if that is just a challenge for me.

So I will encourage you to take a deep breath after a long, tough day and know that you already made it through the day and tomorrow provides you a fresh start.  Rather than dreading what tomorrow may bring, try to look at it with a fresh energy and a positive attitude and, who knows, it just might be the best day you have had all week.

And, just as a reminder, if you are having trouble keeping that positive forward focused mindset, that is ok too - remember that I am here if you want to talk about what is challenging you and getting in your way of today being a good or even great day.

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