Monday, February 8, 2021

Teacher Course Recommendations

First off, let me remind you that tomorrow is the last day planned for 9th/10th grade meetings.  So, if you haven't already met with me, tomorrow is your day!!!  Please go to the Counselor Website and sign up for a time slot to meet with me.

During that meeting, one of the easy fixes I can do for you is make adjustments to your teacher recommendations.  If you and your parents have decided that it is not in your best interest to take a class that your teacher has recommended and you want an easier or comparable course, then that is what I can easily fix during the group or individual meetings.

If you have decided that you want a more difficult course than what was recommended by your teacher then you must complete the Course Override form (also on the Counselor website) in order for me to change that in your schedule.  Before you decide to go with a more difficult course than has been recommended, please be VERY careful in thinking through all of the possible implications of doing that because your teacher's are recommending based upon what they know about your learning AND what they know about the classes.  They want to make sure that you are being recommended for classes that will help you to be successful in the future.

We are nearly done with the course registration process for next year - make sure you get your requests submitted to be able to take the classes you want.

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