Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Registration and IB program

A huge thank you to all of the students who took time out of your snow day today to meet with me for your registration meetings!  I am thankful that we were able to get them done today!

I reviewed student submissions in Infinite Campus and there are still quite a large number of you who need to get your full requests in or who have requests submitted, but forgot to include your preferred alternates.  PLEASE, log into Infinite Campus and request your classes!

When you are considering options for your future classes, keep in mind that the International Baccalaureate (IB) program is an option students can consider for selecting a rigorous academic schedule that also has the benefit of providing students with a global perspective and integrated learning to make connections across courses.

Students who are interested in completing the full IB diploma program will have specific IB courses to take along with completing the IB exams, an extended essay, and a community action service project along with a Theory of Knowledge course.  Even if students are not sure that they want to take on the full diploma program, you can still participate in IB courses!  You can take just a handful of classes (or even just 1) if that is what appeals to you.  For example, students interested in Psychology or History might elect to take just the IB Psychology course or just the IB History course.  And there is an IB partial program that you can explore if you fall somewhere in the middle.

As an IB World School, our students have the opportunity to participate in a rigorous group of classes to push themselves to learn and grow.  Students that are in the IB program are among the first to talk about how much they have enjoyed the program.  If you have questions about IB I definitely encourage you to talk with students in the IB program or to Mrs. Goodwin who is the IB program coordinator.  And, of course, you can always talk to me too.

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