Thursday, February 18, 2021

Mental Notes

"Just write it down!"  I feel like I have been telling students that a LOT lately.  I have shown my notebook that holds my massive ongoing To Do Lists, shared my paper calendar, revealed the notes section of my phone with a short term daily task list, and pointed out that even my phone's calendar and reminders are all set up to help me be successful.

I love the saying, "The trouble with mental notes is the ink fades so fast."  Oh my!  How true is that?!

I truly believe that you think you will remember all of the things you need to do, all of the responsibilities that you have to fulfill, all of the activities with family and friends that you WANT to do, and yet that is SO MUCH INFORMATION to try to hold in your brain at one time.  You are truly setting yourself up for failure at remembering every single detail when you're trying to hold it all in your head.

If you are a person who tries to remember everything all the time, it is time to try something different.  I promise, this is a lifelong skill that you can build that will pay off as you learn to change your mental notes into real notes and, as a result, get far more than you had imagined accomplished.

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