Thursday, February 11, 2021

Blended Classes

One of the conversations I had a decent amount today was about Blended Classes.  In the blended format, students will meet with the teacher for more traditional instruction, full class discussions, and other learning activities a few days a week.  Then on the other days of the week, students will have the flexibility to take more personal responsibility for their learning by completing online assignments, engaging in digital conversations, and meeting individually or in small groups to push their learning forward.  Please note this does NOT mean that you wn't have class or academic responsibilities and expectations each day - that will be specified and explained to you at the start of the class.  

One of the aspects with blended that we see is that students have the possibility IF THEIR GRADES ARE STRONG that they can work independently on some of the days rather than coming to class every day.  The benefit of this is that it gives you the freedom to decide where and when you get your work completed and for students who are struggling some academically, it gives you a smaller group of people to be in the classroom on some of the days to get more direct support from your teacher.

The two classes which are offered in both a traditional and blended format that students must decide which setting is a better fit for them are English 3 and Contemporary Voices.  Please note that the course numbers are the same, but the blended format sections have a different ending to the course code, so if you want to enroll in one of the blended courses next year, please be sure to use the proper course code number and letters

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