Sunday, January 31, 2021

Snow Day Wishes and Mid-Year Transcripts

Before I get into the main point of this post I want to mention that throughout the day today I have received several texts through Remind and emails from students asking me if I think we will have a snow day tomorrow.  It cracked me up because obviously I have no idea what will happen with the weather and truthfully, I doubt it.  But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this hopeful feeling from students was likely connected to normalcy.  You're seeking that normal feeling in life from the hope of a snow day... and I actually TOTALLY get that!  We need a little normal in our world right now.  And so even though I don't know that tomorrow will be our snow day, we can hope... and for you, I will hope that you get some of that normal joyful feelings either tomorrow or sometime soon!

Ok, so now on to the real topic of this post...
Seniors, there are some colleges which ask for mid-year transcripts to review your 1st semester grades in order to help them when making their admissions decisions.  If you applied to a college who requests mid-year reports and you applied using Common App then I have already uploaded your Mid-Year Transcripts this past week so that they will have them.  However, if you applied to a college through a different application system other than Common App and they are asking you to submit Mid-Year Transcripts then I need for you to let me or Mrs. McDaniel know so that we can send a copy of your most up to date transcript ASAP.  I know that waiting for admissions decisions is hard and this is just one more piece of information that can help the colleges when making their final choices.

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