Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Curriculum Night

Tonight starting at 6:30pm there is a Curriculum Night Q&A opportunity for students and parents to learn more about various course options next year.  Because of COVID, this experience will be held over zoom.  Every teacher has created a video highlighting information about what to expect about their classes and the experiences students will have in the classes.  This video library is linked on the Counselor Website.  Then, after watching those videos, if you still have additional questions, these Q&A zoom sessions are the perfect opportunity to learn more!  I will be honest, the administrator introductory session from 6:30-7:00pm is primarily for 8th grade parents who will be transitioning to high school.  But other parents are still welcome to sit in with that session.  Then beginning at 7pm, there will be 4 different 15 minute information sessions and you can select which ones appeal most to you based upon your questions.

Here is the link to access the Curriculum Night Q&A sessions.

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