Thursday, December 10, 2020

Government End of Course Exam

Before I start with tonight's topic, I want to wish a Happy Hanukkah to all of our students/ families who are celebrating starting tonight!

Juniors... if you are currently in Government (not AP Gov) this semester then next Monday and Tuesday are the End of Course Exams for your class from the state.  A few things you may want to know or have clarified...

1. The End of Course test does NOT count into your HS class grade.

2. The End of Course tests are the 7 state tests.  The tests are in: English 1, English 2, Math 1, Math 2, Biology, US History, and Government.

3. As juniors you have probably taken 6 of the tests already.

4. To graduate from high school you need 18 total points across those 7 tests.

5. Last spring, the state canceled the tests and used your course grades to substitute for your points.

6. You and your parents can see your current point totals by logging into the Portal, clicking on My Account at the bottom of the page and then selecting Student Graduation Status and then picking View Graduation Status.  Your State Graduation Testing Points is on the right side of the page.

My juniors students are in INCREDIBLE shape as far as points are concerned.  So, that means that most of you do NOT need to take the Government End of Course test unless you want to take it.  I am pointing this out because I have heard a lot of stress and concern from students and parents about coming into the building next week to take the test.  So, unless we have talked about the fact that you need the points for graduation, then you do NOT need to come in and take the test.  

However, we do need to plan for proper social distancing and appropriate staffing coverage for testing.  So the one request we have is that we want to know if you are not coming to test.  You were sent an email back on December 2nd from the administrators about the test and within that it gives you the option to defer your test which means that you are not planning to take it next week.  Please, if you are not planning to come to school on Monday (or Tuesday) to test, find the email in your box and fill out that form.  If you can't find the form, at the very least send me an email to let me know that you won't be testing so we are not trying to track you down or worry about you not being there.  Thanks.  I really do appreciate your help in that effort.

FYI - Monday testing is for students with the last names A-K and Tuesday testing is for students with the last names L-Z.  Good luck to all of you who will test next week!

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