Monday, November 23, 2020

Write it Down!

Today as you started remote learning again I was thinking a lot about what strategies you are using to stay focused and productive.  I believe that the one top strategy that ALL of us can use and that is needed for success is to write down your assignments.  I don't care if you write down what you need to do on a post-it note, a to-do list, a dry erase board, or in a planner, but you need to write it down!  

Too often students think that they will be able to remember it.  I get that... in theory of course we should be able to remember all the things we need to do.  But that isn't how it works in reality.  Pause for a second and think about your passwords.  Chances are you use the same one or two for everything or you have a variation on that password to try.  But I'm sure there are times when you have struggled to remember what your password is - I see it with seniors all the time as they are trying to log into their Common App accounts.  That is trying to remember essentially one thing and we can't do it.  

So here is my reminder, it is time to write down your work.  Write down all of the things that you need to do or remember.  Use your brain for thinking and processing.  Let the paper/ tools around you do the remembering for you.  As you adjust to remote learning, please remember that this is still school and write down what you need to do so that you can stay on top of it all.

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