Monday, November 2, 2020

What's Next?

The West Wing was my favorite TV show when it aired and it still stands as my favorite series of all time. I have been watching it again on Netflix.  One of the statements they say often on the show is, "What's Next." I like that sentiment.  In our lives, we often need to shift our focus and we could benefit from being reminded that it's time to move on and move forward by asking ourselves, "what's next?"  It is so easy to get stuck focusing on or thinking about something that has happened that worries or upsets us.  And most of the time, we can't change what is behind us.  We need to look ahead and think about what we can do to manage whatever is coming next for us to deal with and how we need to adjust to the next moment.  Today kicked off the start of the 2nd quarter and I think that makes it an ideal time to ask yourself "What's next?" But truthfully, every day, and every interaction can provide "what's next" moments.  As you go through this week, give it a try... ask yourself what's next and keep focusing on the actions you can take to make the moment, day, week or month even a little bit better. 

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