Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Online Only Learning Program

As we look ahead to the 2nd semester, one option that all students have is to complete the semester completely online through the Online Only Learning Program (OOLP).  Many students have already elected to participate in the OOLP this semester, but it is important for all students to know that you all have the option of registering to participate in the 2nd semester if you are interested.

For information about the OOLP, please visit the district website at:

The deadline to register for the Online Only Learning Program is November 20th.

A few additional details you may want to know...

- It is a full semester commitment.  So, if you decide now that you are going to use the online learning choice, you can't decide in March that you want to come back to Kilbourne.  You'd have to finish out the semester online.

- Like College Credit Plus classes, the district is offering the online option to students free of charge, but if you don't pass your classes then you must repay the district $250 for each class not successfully completed.  (As long as you pass all of your classes there is no fee to you.)

- You can technically blend some specialized classes (CC+ and fine art classes - music, visual arts and performing arts) by taking the online course option, but then coming to WKHS just for those select courses.  However, please note that you would have to be able to provide your own transportation since you wouldn't be at WKHS for the whole day. 

- AP and IB classes are NOT options for taking at WKHS while also doing the online school, but the online program does include AP classes.

- The grades will appear on your transcript as being a transfer credit, but the grades earned will still be calculated into your Worthington GPA.

- Students are still Worthington students and you are still allowed to participate in any sports, extracurricular clubs or activities, and other after-school functions.

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