Monday, November 9, 2020

Notes about This Week

Tomorrow is normally a day when I will be available to students for Rapid Assist Time.  But, tomorrow I will be at McCord Middle School helping with suicide screenings and so I will not be available to do the Rapid Assist time.  I apologize in advance as I know this is a key week for seniors preparing for the November 15th college application deadlines.  Remember, you can still stop to see me on Wednesday or we can zoom on Thursday or Friday as needed.

Also, while we are talking about changes, I wanted to be sure that you knew that you will have a different bell schedule on Wednesday.  Each class will be 47 minutes long except for 3rd period which will have an additional 15 minutes added to it so that you will be able to complete the district's panorama survey.  Here is the bell schedule for Wednesday (and for Green day students - this is the schedule that you will use on Friday).

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