Thursday, November 12, 2020

Earning Potential

Believe it or not, life isn't all about how much money you make. You want to find a career that you will love and find rewarding. But, that being said, many students want to make sure that they are selecting a college major that will lead them to a career field that can provide a secure financial future. Georgetown University consistently does research regarding the Economic Value of College Majors. Check out their website for more information.  For example you can explore earnings by state, explore majors, and compare the earnings for various positions. What you choose to do with your life will be influenced by many factors and I do want you to be financially stable in the future so I hope that reading their research will interest you.  One of their most recent reports is highlighted at this link and it looks at first-year earnings and debt based upon majors and colleges.  And, if you enjoy those two reports (which I did) then you should definitely explore the rest of their website because they have many interesting reports and data analysis that could assist you in your planning.

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