Thursday, November 19, 2020


By now I know that all of you have heard the news that we will be back to learning in a remote format from next Monday until winter break.  I had a chance to talk with some of the green day kids today as well as a few of my own students via zoom and there was a mixed response to the news with many being relieved and others stressed.  Realistically, if I had to make a guess, I'd say most of you are actually a mix of the two feelings - you are both relieved that you know what to expect and you don't have to worry about being in the building while COVID is hitting these new highs, but you are also stressed because the idea of being home and not being with your friends and in person with the teachers is challenging.

Here is what I can tell you though... you CAN do this!  You already learned what works and what doesn't work in the remote learning format.  You know that you have to take notes, you have to do work, you have to engage with your teacher.  By doing that, you WILL be successful.  You have already gone through the growing pains at the start of the year to learn how a remote education works.

For those of you who have been working to get your grades back up, I am going to encourage you to take full advantage of the Connections time!  Make sure that you are meeting with your teachers and/ or the academic assistants to be able to continue to make progress to improving your grades.

I also want to remind you that you still have me as a resource.  I am here to meet with you to talk about anything going on in your life.  We can zoom any time and I *WANT* to be able to talk to you and work to support you in any way you need!

Every time we experience changes in our lives there is an inherent amount of stress and concern about it, but we CAN do this!  Your ability to learn how to adjust and adapt will be a valuable life skill not just for high school and COVID times, but for the rest of your life!

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