Sunday, October 4, 2020

Recommendation Letters

Well, here we are... exactly 4 weeks until many of the seniors will be hitting their first deadline for college applications.  (Please be aware though that there are MANY colleges that have earlier deadlines than November 1st so be sure to check the deadlines for your intended colleges.)

One month out is a key time to check in on where you are with your applications and especially with your recommendation letters.  I talked about rec letters and the importance of double checking to see if your desired colleges require them or not a few weeks ago so I will not go through all of that again.  However, I do want to remind you that you need to give your teachers or me 30 days to write your recommendation letters.  So, that means that if I do not already have your Counselor Recommendation Supplement Form and your Parent Brag Sheet, then I need those from you ASAP!  The same would go for your core teachers who you have asked to write a letter on your behalf.  There is a teacher recommendation letter form that you should have given to them already, but if you haven't, then please make sure you take care of that TOMORROW when you are in the building!

Each of these forms can be found on the Counselor Website or on the bookshelf in the front of the Counseling Center.

Hopefully you are also reaching the editing stages of your college essays.  This, like recommendation letters, takes time.  So, don't short change yourself by putting this off until the last possible moment.  You will want to read through and edit your essay a few times before you start getting feedback from others.  Remember that I am willing to review your essays as is Mrs. Elliott in 209 and your English teachers.  But just like with recommendation letters, because the essay revision process takes time for your English teachers to give you feedback, you will want to make sure that you are giving them plenty of time.  That will then allow you to take their input, make adjustments as needed, and seek more edit suggestions so that you are ultimately submitting the best representation of YOU to the college that you can with your essay.

This month is going to go by FAST!  So please, don't hesitate to let me know if you need any help or support.

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