Tuesday, October 13, 2020

PSAT Reminders

Don't forget - tomorrow is the first day when Kilbourne sophomores and juniors, as well as many other students around the country, will take the PSAT.  

If you are one of the 100 "blue day" students who will be taking the PSAT, you will report directly to the gymnasiums when you arrive to school on Wednesday morning.  Check in begins at 7:15am and you will need to be wearing your mask and bring your student id with you in order to check in.  (If you don't have an ID - school, drivers license, etc. then we will be working to identify you through other means.)  You will go directly to your assigned seat for check-in and we will check you in from there.  Please plan on leaving your book bag and your cell phone (turned off) in the back of the gym.

You will also need to bring number 2 pencils (no mechanical pencils allowed), a calculator, an eraser, and I would recommend a watch.  (Obviously, you cannot use your phones or the like for timing.)  The test will begin promptly at 7:45 and you will finish testing during 4th period.

Remember, you won't be able to have water at your table.  As you know, the temperature in the building varies greatly.  So because we don't know what to expect in the gym, I strongly encourage that you dress in layers so that you can add a sweatshirt or take it off depending on how hot or cold you might be during testing.

For all the rest of my students, we were able to adjust the plans so that I will still be available to meet with you tomorrow!  I will only be helping during the check-in and to give the proctors breaks during the PSAT tomorrow, so that I can be available to meet with you.

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