Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Practice Testing Reminders

Tomorrow morning "green day" students who have signed up will be taking the PSAT.  I posted reminders a few weeks ago when the "blue day" students were taking the PSAT.  Here is a link back to those reminders for any students who are testing tomorrow.

I also want to remind all of my sophomores and juniors that you have the option of taking the Pre-ACT which is the practice ACT on either November 17th or 18th.  There is a charge for the test which is $14 and that can be paid on My Payments Plus.  You will sign up for which date you prefer using the Google Form on the WKHS Counselor Website -

For what it is worth, November 18th is the blue day and if you need transportation to and from school, then that is the day you will need to select for testing.  If you have your own transportation (to school at 7:30am and home after the test at 11:30am) then you can register to test on November 17th so that you don't have to miss class.

I can't stress enough how strongly I suggest students take the Pre-ACT because you will be taking the actual ACT in your junior year and having a chance to get a feel for the types of questions and the pace required to get through the whole test in the time allowed.  

If you have questions about testing plans, don't hesitate to let me know!

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