Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Important Reminders

I wanted to make sure that all of you were aware that the last date to drop a 1st semester course without having it appear on your transcript this coming Monday, October 12th. That is also the last date to submit a request to have a 1st semester class graded on a pass/ fail scale instead of the standard scoring. Please make sure that your requests for these options are turned into the counseling center before the school day ends on the 12th.

I also wanted to give you and your parents a heads up that Parent/ Teacher Conferences are coming up next week.  Conferences will all be completed virtually so I strongly encourage students to participate in the conference meetings along with your parents.  You can help your mom/ dad/ guardian log in through zoom to meet with your teacher in this virtual setting and talk about your progress in classes so far, your goals, your struggles, and seek suggestions for making sure you make the most out of every day in your classes.  Conferences will be on Monday from 3:30-7:30pm and on Wednesday from 5-9pm.  Your parents will receive information from the administrators about how to sign up for conferences.

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