Saturday, September 26, 2020

Transcript Request Form

I wanted to remind everyone that if you are in the process of applying to college you need to make sure you fill out the transcript release form.  This process must be completed for EVERY college where you are applying!  The transcript request form is a Google Form and there is a link to it on the WKHS Counselor website.

If you are applying to schools utilizing the Common Application or Send EDU, your transcript will be submitted electronically.  You will need to report me as your school counselor on the Recommendation page so that I am assigned the transcript data responsibility and given access to submit them on your behalf.  If you are unsure how to do this, we can meet via zoom on your "out of the building days" once you have completed the majority of your application and we will fill out the counselor assignment component together.  

If you are applying to schools that don't use the Common Application or Send EDU, we will send your transcript through an electronic system or by regular mail (depending on if they are a college that will accept them electronically or not), but you will need to make sure we have the appropriate mailing address to submit them for you.

Some students have asked me if you have to be done with your applications to request your transcript and the short answer is no - although you want to be sure that you are definitely applying to that college before you request for your transcript to be sent to them.  

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