Friday, September 18, 2020


Just a short quick post tonight... but one of my favorite topics to write about is SLEEP because it is so important to every aspect of your well being.  I had seen the news that this week had been declared the first ever, "Student Sleep Health Week."  So, of course, I had to acknowledge it.  :-)

Here is the reality...

- I have had several students and far more parents send me emails telling me that 9am as a start time is MUCH better than 7:45 and that they appreciate this later start format for their learning this year.  (Of course, I have to remind you all that when we come back to hybrid we shift back to the 7:45am starts so enjoy the last week of 9am start times.)

- You should be getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night.  For some of you this is twice as much sleep as you are actually getting in any given night.  (And that's a problem!)

- No one can make you get more sleep but you.  Sure, your parents can try to help support your goals, but if you are wanting to stay up and play on your phone or start your homework at 9pm each night then you are going to end up staying up later and getting far less sleep each night.

- Sleep is important for your well being.  (And for my well being too... so I will be sleeping a lot this weekend in honor of your Student Sleep Health Week and I'll just pretend it is School Counselor Sleep Health Week too.)  :-)

Want to read about Student sleep health week?  Here is the article.

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