Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Senior College Information Presentation

Senior students and parents... hopefully you have already saved the date for this, but I wanted to give one more reminder that tomorrow night, Wednesday, September 2nd at 7pm we will be hosting the 'live' virtual Senior College Information Presentation. The zoom presentation link was emailed to all senior student wscloud email accounts and to all senior student parent emails based on the information in Infinite Campus last Friday. After we show the video we will hold a Question and Answer session for students and parents. 

The video will then be posted on the Counselor Website for anyone who isn't able to attend at 7pm to be able to review at their convenience.  After you have had a chance to watch the video, we will host two more zoom sessions for students and parents.  These links were also sent by email last Friday.

These two follow up Q&A sessions will be held on Thursday, September 3rd at 12:00pm (Noon) and on Friday, September 4th at 8:00am.

So much of college admissions have been influenced by COVID and so we hope that the presentation will answer many of your questions and we know that you will learn and benefit from one another as you share your questions with the group during the Q&A sessions.  

I look forward to seeing you online tomorrow night or later this week!

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