Sunday, September 13, 2020

Junior College Testing

A quick reminder to all sophomore and junior students/ families.  the deadline to register for the FREE PSAT is coming up this Tuesday, September 15th.  If you want to participate in this test and haven't signed up already, please do so today!  Here is the link to register if you haven't already.

When I think about the PSAT it made me realize that in spite of so much recent time and attention being on supporting seniors with their college applications, I need to switch gears today to help juniors be focused on one important component related to your future college admissions process and that is your testing plan.  I know... you are dreading it, but truly it isn't that bad.  Some junior students/ parents have probably heard that this year many colleges are test optional and that may continue for some colleges for the junior students, but in the college information sessions we have been attending we have found that while some (like OU) have made the decision that they will remain test optional, most (like OSU) are NOT remaining test optional or at least have not made the decision that they will be doing that yet.  So, I believe firmly that it is important to keep as many doors open as possible and that includes being prepared for the reality that test scores may be needed for admission.

It can be challenging to figure out how to put your best testing foot forward so I have some testing suggestions for you...

1. As mentioned above, in October, take the PSAT.  This will be during the school day on Wednesday, October 14th or Thursday, October 29th.  It is the practice test for the SAT, but it is also the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarships.  

2.  Take the Pre-ACT.  We are still working on the specific details for this test, but our plan, if all goes well, is that we will be able to offer this test on 2 back-to-back days for interested students this fall.  There will be a fee to take this test which has usually been just about $15.  It is the practice test for the ACT and it is a great, inexpensive way to practice for the ACT.

3.  In December, consider strongly taking the ACT or SAT.  You don't have to take the test in December, but it's a good chance to take one of the college admissions tests.  If you are planning on focusing on the ACT, another great reason of taking the ACT in December is that you can also order your score questions and answers with the test which would allow you to review how you answered and what the right score is which can help better prepare you for the future tests.

4.  In February, take the ACT.  This will be during the school day and is the FREE test opportunity that all juniors will get to take.

After that, depending on how you have scored you can determine the rest of your testing plan.  There will be more opportunities to test in the spring and summer as well as the early part of the fall during your senior year.

If you have any questions about these testing opportunities or why I am making these recommendations, please don't hesitate to reach out and ask.

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