Monday, September 7, 2020

College Admissions Rep Virtual Visits

Did you know that every year many college admissions representatives come to WKHS in order to visit with students? Stop for a moment and think about that – the schools pay someone to come to Kilbourne in order to meet with you and showcase the opportunities available at their college.  Now, obviously, we aren't in schools and even if we were, it wouldn't be safe for the admissions reps to travel from school to school, but they are switching gears and adjusting to the times by hosting virtual visits with our students that are still only for Kilbourne students. The visits kick into full swing this week.

While meeting with a representative cannot replace the actual experience of walking on campus, seeing the people, and experiencing the classes, it can be a very important piece of your information gathering process. Possibly even more importantly, you are expressing your interest and desire to attend their college! The admissions representatives who are meeting with students keep track of who they see. Many colleges can go back and tell you exactly how many times a student has come to tour campus, contacted the admissions office, or had an official interaction with a representative of the school. You never really know what can make a difference when it comes to admissions or getting a scholarship from a school, so if you are able to attend a meeting with a representative, it can only help you.

We have a list of the upcoming college visits posted on the Counselor website so that you can see which schools are coming to WKHS. As we get closer to the dates of the meetings the zoom links for each college's virtual visit will be posted on the junior and senior class Schoology pages.

All of the visits will be during the connections time during the remote learning phase.  When we transition back to hybrid, those students who are at home can log in to attend the virtual visit as well as those students who might be in the building on that particular day as long as it is during your lunch or options period.  We know that it might not be possible for every student to participate in every visit due to being in classes with the hybrid format, so we have tried to coordinate with the colleges to have them make a 2nd virtual visit during the opposite set of days so that every student will have the chance to participate.  Many have been able to be flexible in meeting this request, but some have such demanding visit requirements that they couldn't allow for 2 visits in one admissions season.  Again, check the website for the full list of upcoming visits.

These are great opportunities to talk directly with the college admissions representatives so please take advantage of their visits!  And yes, we know that this is definitely a strange dynamic for how you will meet and learn about the colleges, so don't forget that tomorrow at 11:30am we will be hosting a short workshop to help prepare you on Making the Most of the College Admissions Representatives Virtual Visits.  I hope to see you online tomorrow!  (Link is in your email and on your Schoology class page.)

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