Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Summer Assignments

Did you know that many of the advanced/ honors classes require students to complete work over the summer?  The teachers recognize that this last quarter has been daunting for all of you and so they have tried to cut back on the summer requirements as much as possible, but many classes do still have assignments that you will need to finish before the start of the school year.

Students who are enrolled in classes with summer learning expectations should have received an email from your teacher to notify you of this assignment, but we also have the information posted for you on the WKHS Counselor website.  www.wkhscounselors.com - it is at the top of the home page for your easy reference.

Some of the classes will have access links to Google Classroom assignments and electronic textbooks, but others will ask that you make arrangements to pick up a textbook from Mrs. Dominach at WKHS.  You can email her at jdominach@wscloud.org in order to make arrangements for when you can meet her at school to get your necessary text books.

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