Sunday, July 19, 2020

Alphabet Breakdown

We are working to balance the caseload of students assigned to each counselor and will be doing a phased in adjustment to the alphabet distribution.  As a result, that means that we have to adjust the alphabet breakdown for each counselor.  This means that some students will have to change counselors.  We work really hard to try to limit this and, in fact, this new breakdown takes into account student alphabet distribution all the way back through 5th grade so the new alignment will last us for many years.  We decided that all of the juniors and seniors will stay with the same counselor since we have had two years to start building a relationship and connection together.  And the incoming freshmen won't really know a difference.  However, for the sophomores, we did have to make some changes and I will be losing a handful of my sophomores.  This wasn't a decision we made lightly, but our caseloads had become drastically unbalanced and it isn't fair to students who want to see us when our time is divided among even more students. All of the counselors are committed to making sure we make this transition for students and families as smooth as possible. 

For your reference, below is the alphabet breakdown for Juniors and Seniors (unchanged):
A – Fl:  Miss Abbott
Fm – L:  Mrs. Gratz
M – R:  Mrs. Mann
S – Z:  Mrs. Lord

And, then this is the new alphabet breakdown for Freshmen and Sophomores:
A-D: Miss Abbott
E - Ko: Mrs. Gratz
Kr - Ri: Mrs. Mann
Ro- Z: Mrs.  Lord

Please note that if you have an older sibling who is currently IN the high school (sorry, not alumni), then we are continuing to keep you with the same counselor as your older sibling so that parents only have one counselor to communicate with about any issues or concerns.

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