Sunday, June 21, 2020

Diploma Presenter

Graduation this year was different in just about every way imaginable.  There was no long, procession through the Convention Center, no need for students to try to search and scan the audience in an effort to figure out where their families were, and sadly, no group moment of tossing caps in the air and knowing that together the class was done with high school.  But, there were so many other moments that were incredibly special... families celebrating together with cars decorated, joy as each family got their up-close and personal view of the graduate on stage accepting the diploma, and somehow a feeling of appropriateness (at least for me) that you were able to celebrate completing your high school journey at the high school.  You stepped onto the stage just steps away from where you entered the building for the first time as Kilbourne students 4 years ago.  It has been quite the journey and it was an important celebration that I was excited to witness.

One of the aspects that was very different was what is always one of my favorite Kilbourne traditions... this year the seniors were able to select their diploma presenters, but that presenter didn't get to share in the moment of handing you the hard-earned diploma.  I was incredibly touched and honored to have been selected by 7 of my students to present them with their diploma.  This always holds such deep meaning to me because students can pick anyone from Kindergarten through 12th grade to be their diploma presenter.  Because it is such a special experience, if you are in my office you will see that I have pictures of each group of kids that I was able to present with their diplomas over the years hanging prominently on my wall.  This year's picture couldn't be in person, but somehow a zoom photo felt appropriate since their senior year ended with online connections and classes.

Congratulations to (L to R - Top): Sasha Estice, Paige Tomasi, Ryan Connolly, (Bottom): Sydney Zulich, Sasha Bomser, and Evan Anderson as well as, not pictured, Misaki Campbell.

In all honesty, I am still hoping that I will be able to find a time later this summer where social distancing restrictions are less concerning where I can see all of these students, get a "normal" group picture of them, and hug them in person and tell each of them how proud I am of them.  But, there is a part of me that can't help but smile when I see this zoom picture.  And the effort it took to get it... all I can say is that thank goodness these kids are patient with me and are way more tech savvy than I am so that I could get this photo at all.

Sasha, Sydney, Paige, Sasha, Ryan, Evan and Misaki,
I didn't get to celebrate graduation day in person with directly handing you your diploma, but in my heart, I was a part of that experience.  I hope that you know how much you mean to me.  Each of you have a bright future ahead with your varied paths and I cannot wait to see all that you accomplish.  Thank you for the time you shared with me over the last four years.  I still can't really believe that when I go back in the fall you won't be coming back to WKHS too... I definitely missed getting those typical good-bye moments with you, but perhaps that is better because it means we don't really have to say good-bye and we will just continue to look forward to each new moment when I can see you and catch up on all that is happening in your lives.  Thank you for touching my life in a meaningful way.  I will miss you very much!  Love, Miss Abbott (and Lexi loves all of you too...)

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