Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Summer School

Summer school is going to look different this year.  With everything happening with the Coronavirus, the academic options this summer are going to be a little bit different.

For starters, if you are in a class this semester that you do not earn a "P" grade in and you end up with an "I" (Incomplete) then you will spend part of your summer working on those classes to be able to finish the course requirements to pass the class. This plan will be something you, your parents and your teacher will develop.  I can't stress enough how much you want to get to the "P" grade so that you don't have this hanging over your head to continue working on regularly throughout the summer.

However, if you are doing well in all of your classes with remote learning and you are managing this format of education well, then summer school may be an ideal option for you to make up credit for any classes you had failed during the first semester.  You need to register NOW for summer school!

Worthington offers summer school opportunities each year with a wide range of opportunities to try to meet your academic goals.  If you failed a class during 1st semester or in a past year and will be taking it for credit recovery your summer school class will be free of charge.  Due to the Coronavirus, all summer school classes will be completed remotely.  Students will be expected to log on 2 hours a day (either 10-12 or 1-3) and work on their work with the remote support of the summer school teachers.  Summer school will run from June 1st to July 17th.  For all Worthington Summer School Credit Recovery related information and to register online, please visit the district website at:

There are also a limited number of seats available for get-ahead courses in Blended Math 1 and Blended Math 2 that are also offered through Worthington summer school and information about those classes and the costs associated with those courses are on the website.

We always get questions about taking online courses or classes in other districts and as long as it is an accredited school this is completely fine.  So, for example, if your parents are divorced and you go to spend the summer with a parent who lives in another state you can take your summer school class at the school near your other parent and then transfer the credit back to us.  Or for those students who hope to be able to resume traveling over the summer, taking an online course might be more in line with your needs.  Again, in Worthington we try to be very flexible in helping all students to meet their academic goals so as long as the school you are taking classes from is an accredited school, we will transfer those credits to Worthington.

Students and parents often ask me which online schools they can use and again, if it is accredited it is fine.  I would say that the school we have probably had the most students utilize in the past has been TRECA due to the cost effectiveness of their credits.  But again, that can change from year to year and so I encourage you to search for the schools and programs that will best meet your individual needs.  TRECA summer school registration has opened so if you were planning to take a TRECA summer school class, please be sure to get signed up for that soon too.  Their website is:

Please, if you have failed a class during the 1st semester, get signed up for summer school so that you can stay on track for graduation with your class!  Deadline to enroll is Friday!

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