Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Local Scholarships

Normally I am able to write on my blog about whatever questions I am getting from student's at school each day.  Today's topic is definitely the most asked question for the last few days even from afar!

What do you do with the local scholarships that were initially due to be turned into the school by today?

The answer is both simplistic and complicated.  You need to go back onto the Counselor Website where you first found the scholarships and look at each scholarship that you plan to submit an application for consideration.  On each page there are updated instructions for where you should forward your application.  Some of them are open to students emailing applications or mailing them to them by the 6th.  Others need you to mail them.  But each scholarship provider elected their own steps and so you need to follow what they have determined.

Sorry that it is a little more complicated than normal - we typically try to streamline the process by letting you turn them in to us and then we get them distributed, but that just isn't possible this year.  Our hope is that with each organization still generously providing scholarships that the option of students submitting their applications directly to the organizations will make the process as easy as we can have it under the circumstances.

Thanks for your patience as we worked the details out for all of the applications!  And a huge thank you to all of the scholarship providing partners who have been incredibly patient and flexible as we had to make adjustments.  We appreciate their support of the Class of 2020!

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