Tuesday, March 17, 2020

I'm Still Here

I'm still here to try to help you and you matter to me!

That's it.  In 1 sentence, that is what I hope you know.  My emails and news feeds have been inundated with Coronavirus news, with tips and suggestions that I can share with all of you for managing the emotional toll this is having, with updates about ACT and SAT (next tests are cancelled by the way - so if you are going to test in June, I strongly encourage you to register NOW), about AP testing (still on, but who knows - you might do it from home somehow), about college responses (sooooo much from colleges - most are closed to visitors but they still want you to consider their campus for the future is the short summary from all of them), and about everyone doing their part to stop the spread of the virus, but continue with education as usual remotely.

To me... all of that stuff is overwhelming and, again - just speaking for myself, it's missing the mark.  Because right now, I am just sad.  I'm sad for you and what this is doing to your lives.  I am sad about not getting to see you face to face.  I am sad for all of the people of our world (you included) who are scared and sick or have a loved one who is sick now or will end up getting sick.  I'm sad for everyone who is struggling emotionally with being cooped up at home.  Really, just so much sadness... and, as always, I believe strongly in leaning into the feelings and emotions, allowing myself to feel them, express them, and not fight them or pretend they aren't happening.

But here is what I also know... you matter to me and seeing you and talking with you at school each day is the best part of my job.  And so even though I don't get to see you at school, I want that connection to continue.  In fact, I need it to continue.  So when I say that I hope you will reach out if there is anything I can do to help support you, I mean it!  Or you can even email just to say hi and to tell me what you are doing while hanging out at home away from other people.  I know this is not the spring break you wanted or imagined... so tell me, what are you daydreaming about from the confines of your house?  Truly, email me and tell me anything!

We posted some info on the WKHS Counselor website and that (aside from my blog, of course) is going to be the primary go-to place for us to post general information that we think lots of you will want to know or can make use of such as accessing support, local scholarship deadlines, and emotional support resources (and a Bingo Challenge).

As of this moment, my gut instinct is that I am going to take a few days off from blogging even though the reality is that there is so much that I want to say... but all of the messages I have and all the ways I could try to say it will all come back to the same thing... I'm still here to try to help you and you matter to me!

PS - Lexi misses all of you too!

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