Thursday, March 12, 2020

I don't know...

Like all of you, I had no idea how the news of the Coronavirus would impact our day today and our coming weeks.  The levels of anxiety among students has definitely been substantially higher over the last few days and so much of that is connected back to the uncertainty of not knowing what is going to happen next.

So, please, let's all pause for a second and recognize that there is significant fear of the unknowns.  Not knowing what school being closed for 3 weeks will look and feel like is strange (to say the least).  No spring sports practices or games is confusing.  Hearing high school, college, and professional sporting events cancelled is surreal.  And watching the news about this virus can be overwhelming.  I also have heard a lot of stress related questions for things that are important to you that are up ahead - what does this mean for senior project? how will this impact prom? will we still have a graduation ceremony? And sadly, I don't have an answer for any of that yet. 

There are a lot of other unknowns that are constantly in flux which impact many students.  If you had been planning college visits for spring break, chances are those colleges are closed or are limiting access to their campuses.  Every day I am receiving countless emails from admissions offices to notify us that they are no longer allowing visitors on their campuses.  This has also carried over into the cancellation of many college admitted student special visit days.  The colleges are stressing the option of students and families to make virtual campus tours, to explore their websites and social media sites, to read their student blogs, and to find ways that you can still make an educated, informed choice about their college without having to actually walk on their campus.

Another big question mark is for students preparing to take the SAT on Saturday.  As of right now, it appears that the Central Ohio testing locations are all still planning to administer the test, but throughout the day the number of testing centers being closed has jumped significantly, so you need to be reviewing this information on the CollegeBoard website.

Here is what I can suggest... and over the coming few days/ weeks I will certainly post more on here as I think of other thoughts that I'd like to share with you.

- You are going to be at home and have some bonus time that was unexpected, consider using some of that time to do something you enjoy.
- Read. 
- Use this time to do the YouScience career aptitude assessment.  If you have lost your code and need it again, or if you never requested one in the first place, stop in and see me tomorrow or send me an email and I will happily send you an access code.
- Listen to music and create new playlists - for example, come up with a playlist to help lift your spirits gradually for the days when you are sad or come up with a list for songs that can pump you up and motivate you.  Turn up the music and dance.
- Explore colleges online.  Since all of these schools are stressing the various opportunities for students to learn more about their campuses - take them up on it and check them out. 
- Study for the ACT or SAT.  Juniors, I don't know yet when we will get your ACT scores back - they said 2 to 8 weeks so it is possible scores will arrive while you are home.  Don't forget you will be able to access your scores on the ACT website so you won't even have to wait until we are in school to see them.  But, since data shows that students typically improve their scores when they take the tests more than once, I would say use this time to review and prepare for the upcoming tests.
- If you find yourself getting stressed out and anxious about the Coronavirus, please try to limit your time spent reading or watching the news.  It isn't that I don't want you to be informed or to be careful, because I do, but find out that latest just one or two times a day rather than trying to get non-stop latest news updates.
- Sleep!  So many of you are exhausted so much of the time.  Use these next few weeks to catch up on some much needed rest.
- Try out a new hobby or activity you have been considering.  Bake something, draw, color, exercise, etc.
- Spend time playing with, cuddling, or petting your animals (Lexi is going to be devastated that we won't be at school for three weeks so she thinks loving on your pets at home should be everyone's top priority.)  :-)
- Get outside.  Take a walk.  Take your dog for a walk.  Run.  Ride your bike.  Work in the yard to get ready for spring.  Watch the clouds roll by.  Go star-gazing at night.  Anything to reconnect with nature.
- Stretch.  It sounds simple, but stretching some every day for the next 3 weeks could have a big impact on your overall flexibility.
- If you are a junior who will need recommendation letters next year from me, go ahead and fill out the forms now and email them to me and I will start writing your rec letters now.
- If you are a senior, work on your scholarship applications.
- If you are planning to participate in CC+ next year, make sure you have completed your applications for admission to CSCC or COTC.  You have received an email from Mrs. Gratz and Mrs. Mann about next steps if you have turned in your Intent to Participate form.  Be sure to follow their directions carefully.
- Play a board game.  Put together a puzzle.  Spend quality time with your family.
- Journal.  Write down your thoughts, feelings, reflections, joys, sorrows, excitement, things you are thankful for, things you dream about - anything.  Put it down on paper and out of your head.
- Do your school work.  Especially for those of you who are behind in classes - make sure you are able to use this time to get caught back up to where you should be in each course.

Remember, I will still be accessible to you via email during these three weeks.  I care about you and what this experience is like for you.  If you are feeling stressed about it all, please reach out to me.  Beyond that... in case you haven't heard of it from a million people already, stay home, wash your hands, and limit how much you touch your face.  Your health and well-being as well as that of your family and those throughout our community is of the utmost importance... so please take care of you!

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