Saturday, March 7, 2020

Counselor Website

If I was going to pick out one area of particular pride for the WKHS counseling department it would have to be the Counselor website -  We have worked hard to make sure that the site has tons of information and resources as a one-stop place for students and families to go.  We talk about the website at every student/ parent night we host, during our registration meetings with students each year, but even after all of this I have no clue if you have actually gone out to the website to start exploring it.  So, that is my long-weekend plea to each of you... Please go check out the website today.  I will be honest, the website has LOTS of information.  Sometimes it surprises people when they click on one of the initial menu categories to find that this ends up leading to lots of other categories/ options.  The search feature up at the top will let you find exactly what you want with the quick search of a key word or two.  If there is ever something you are hoping to find on the website that doesn't seem to be there, please let me know so that I can add it to the list to consider adding.

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