Monday, March 9, 2020

College Decision Stress

The next few weeks will be significant for students and college admissions decisions. Most of the schools that have yet to announce their decisions will be releasing them before the end of the month. This can be a very stressful time for students. Try to take a deep breath and relax – you have done the best job to put yourself in the best situation possible with your applications. 

The other reminder I would like to make for all students (in all grades) who are not currently waiting to hear if you have been accepted into a particular school – getting the decision can be hard enough, but often the more difficult aspect is being asked, “Did you get accepted?” by well-meaning friends. Trust me on this one, if they were accepted, the students will be telling everyone – you won’t need to ask so don't ask. If they don’t offer up the news about if they were accepted or not, then be sensitive to the fact that more than likely they still haven't heard or they did not get accepted and don’t ask about it as it puts them on the spot to share disappointing news.

If you are stressing out awaiting the news or struggling with the response you received from the colleges, feel free to stop in and see me so we can talk about it.

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