Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Admissions Test Data

Great job to all of the juniors who took the ACT today!  Now that the test is over it's time to sit back and wait for your scores. I thought you might be interested in learning more about the past scoring trends in the nation and in Ohio for the ACT and the SAT.

Last year the average composite ACT score in Ohio was a 20.0

The average composite in the nation last year for the ACT was a 20.7.

A summary of Ohio's key findings is available here from ACT.

Last year the average SAT score in Ohio was an 1097.

The average SAT score in the nation last year was a 1059.

And, if you are curious about how WKHS students, compare, last year the average ACT score for graduating seniors was a 22.0 and the average SAT score was a 1229.

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